sorting mail is no small task!

Who do we thank for the delivery of mail on our MVGH campus?

The history of this process has had twists and turns. When we arrived on campus in 2004, the sorting of mail was accomplished by a group of volunteers headed by "Major General" Betty Turner at 8:00 AM six days a week. Several campus residents had already picked up the cartons of mail from the post office on Colorado, and the mail crew of about six sorted packages and letters into the wooden slots we now use for personal and office notes.

When Betty retired, Dick and Barbara Dosker became our fearless leaders. This job meant holding mail for families on vacation, returning unclaimed or misdirected mail, sorting Health Center packages and letters, stuffing each piece of mail in boxes, and following mail instruction for off-campus residents' families.

Changes came when the old wooden slots were moved to the hallway in The Commons and locked post office boxes were installed in the entry of The Commons. Mail sorting was eventually changed from 8:00 AM to afternoon when the mail truck delivered mail to the entry of The Commons. Residents still volunteered to sort; it was an enjoyable social group while learning names and histories of fellow sorters.

The pandemic changed everything! The MVGH staff took over the task of mail delivery, even coming in on Saturdays to take their turns. This kept residents safe from the virus. Staff continues this task with a few industrious residents aiding and abetting when needed!

Through all these changes, Dick and Barbara were responsible for twenty years of dedicated mail distribution. Indeed, sorting mail is no small task! We owe them BIG thank-you's for their willingness and leadership during all those years. When they occasionally were off campus, they still made it their responsibility to find experienced crews to carry on. At Monte Vista Grove volunteerism is the name of the game! Thanks, Barbara and Dick!

Bob and Carole Bos