
Wildfires sent people scrambling to save their lives. On a moment's notice, hundreds rushed to gather family, pets and belongings. When they got to a safe place, they needed help. Many had not brought their medications with them. Clinics and emergency rooms were inundated with people asking for medications. It was hard to treat the injured because so many came hoping to get what they needed-in some cases, life-sustaining medicines like insulin.

Will you be ready if you have to evacuate suddenly?

• Keep a 10 day supply of your medications in your To-Go Bag.

• Make a list of your prescriptions and tuck it into a corner of your bag.

You can build up a supply of extra medication by reordering on the day the prescription can be renewed. After a few months you should have enough to keep a 10 day supply in your emergency To-Go Bag. If you're a member of the Board of Pensions, they recommend that you mail order a 90 day supply at a time. Take care of yourself, so health care workers can tend to the injured.

Jane Vasquez